MCV Law News and Insights

  • Syracuse, NY Eviction Lawyers

    Good Cause Evictions Are Here

    Did you know that New York State has passed the Good Cause Eviction Law? After years of talking about “Good Cause Evictions”, legislators have finally succeeded in starting to put them in place in New York State. What does that mean? If you are a Landlord or new to the Landlord-Tenant Law world, Good Cause Eviction means a Landlord can no longer terminate a tenancy without good cause to do so, whether the Tenant has month-to-month tenancy or the lease term is coming due. The good news: legis

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  • Lupus - Social Security Disability Lawyer

    Can I Get Social Security Disability Benefits for Lupus?

    Lupus (also known as systemic lupus erythematosus) is an autoimmune disorder where your body attacks its tissues and organs.  It can impact your kidneys, heart, lungs, brain, and blood.  This can result in inflammation, joint pain, fatigue, skin lesions or rashes, headaches, dry eyes, photosensitivity and more.  Lupus symptoms vary a lot depending on what tissue or organs are attacked and the frequency and severity of the flares.  Signs and symptoms of lupus may start out as an annoyance but b

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  • New York Workers' Compensation Benefits for Exposure to Harmful/Toxic Substances

    New York Workers' Compensation Benefits for Exposure to Harmful/Toxic Substances

    Toxic substance injuries and the NY Workers' Compensation system When people think of work injuries, typically an orthopedic injury such as a herniated disc or broken bone comes to mind. There is no question that these are the most common type of injuries that workers face. These injuries are usually the result of a specific event, and are known as accidents, meaning that they happened on a specific day at a specific time. Orthopedic injuries such as those mentioned above can also result from

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  • Syracuse, NY Estate Planning Law Firm

    How to Choose and Appoint a Legal Guardian in Your Will

    As a parent, the well-being of your children is always a priority.  You search for ways to protect them and provide them with the best possible future.  You plan meals, babysitters in case they are sick, birthdays parties with friends, soccer games, school supplies and so much more.  But have you thought about or planned for "what if I am no longer here"? One step in providing for your children should be to have an estate plan in place.  If you have minor children, or a child with disabilitie

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  • Syracuse, New York Workers' Compensation Death Claims Lawyer

    Fatal Work Accident Lawyer in Syracuse, NY - Workers' Compensation Death Claims

    The thought of losing a loved one to a workplace accident is unfathomable. Unfortunately, accidents do happen and sometimes they result in death. It is important to know your rights if you find yourself in the unthinkable situation of having to file a death claim. The Workers’ Compensation Law in New York provides lost wages to family members to replace income lost due to the death of a spouse or parent. The law also provides reimbursement for funeral expenses. You may be eligible to receive

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