Workers Compensation
Posted at: 9/13/2017 3:01 PM
A Schedule Loss of Use is awarded for injuries to the extremities, as well as injures to the eyes and ears. Generally, a SLU is awarded approximately one year after surgery or the date of injury.
Injured Workers: Permanency Awards are Inadequate
Posted at: 8/22/2017 4:08 PM
The Workers' Compensation Alliance has released an important paper with the results of a survey of injured workers about schedule loss of use awards.
Posted at: 7/25/2017 3:33 PM
What is a "rationalized medical opinion?" Get quick answers here, and how it could apply to your Workers' Compensation claim.
Workers' Compensation Denied: What To Do Now?
Posted at: 4/14/2017 3:34 PM
When a Workers’ Compensation claim is denied, it can create a confusing and frustrating situation for injured workers. However, there still may be a way to reverse this result and obtain Workers’ Compensation benefits.
Workers' Comp and the Proposed NY State Budget
Posted at: 4/4/2017 2:00 PM
It is absolutely essential that the Legislature and the Governor hear RIGHT NOW that there should be no Workers’ Compensation “package” in the budget, and most certainly not along the lines being proposed by the Business Council.