Workers Compensation

  • workers compensation denied thumb talk to workers compensation lawyers at mcv law near syracuse ny and watertown ny

    Workers' Compensation Denied: What To Do Now?

    When a Workers’ Compensation claim is denied, it can create a confusing and frustrating situation for injured workers. However, there still may be a way to reverse this result and obtain Workers’ Compensation benefits.

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  • ny workers compensation proposal petition thumbnail from mcv law near syracuse ny and watertown ny

    Workers' Comp and the Proposed NY State Budget

    It is absolutely essential that the Legislature and the Governor hear RIGHT NOW that there should be no Workers’ Compensation “package” in the budget, and most certainly not along the lines being proposed by the Business Council.

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  • MCV Law Opens Office in Watertown, NY

    MCV Law Opens Office in Watertown, NY

    MCV Law is excited to announce the recent opening of a law office in Watertown, NY. Our Watertown office is located in the Lincoln Building, 89-99 Public Square, Suite 305, Watertown, NY 13601.

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  • Fired While on Workers Comp

    Fired While on Workers’ Comp.? Know Your Rights

    You can be fired while on Workers’ Comp., but there’s a lot more to consider than what can be provided in a yes-no answer. You still may have means to protect your income if fired while on Workers’ Comp.

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  • William W. Crossett

    Workers’ Compensation Doctors: Need To Know Facts

    What are Workers’ Compensation Doctors? Workers’ compensation doctors are medical providers who provide medical care and treatment for recipients of NY Workers’ Compensation benefits. This includes

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