Can I Receive New York Workers' Compensation Benefits for a Car Accident Injury?

car accident on the job

Can I Receive New York Workers' Compensation Benefits for a Car Accident Injury?

Yes. If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident in New York State while in the course of employment, you may be entitled to New York Workers' Compensation benefits. Depending on the cause and severity of your injuries, you could receive these Workers’ Compensation benefits in addition to a Personal Injury settlement, and/or Social Security Disability benefits. MCV Law is unique in that we can assist you with any of these claims individually, or handle multiple claims in combination.

Examples of motor vehicle accident scenarios that can result in New York Workers’ Compensation benefits being awarded include:

  • A salesman getting injured in a car accident while driving to his next meeting
  • A construction worker getting hit by a reckless driver on the jobsite
  • A truck driver suffering injuries from a collision on the highway

Regardless of what industry you work in, if you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident on the job in New York State, MCV Law has the unique ability to maximize your financial recovery. After your injury, your knee-jerk reaction may be to call one of the big "car accident lawyers". The fact is, many of those firms only handle Personal Injury claims, and avoid handling Workers’ Compensation or Social Security Disability claims.

At MCV Law, we approach car accident cases differently. Depending on the context of the accident and severity of your injuries, we will handle your Personal Injury claim, Workers' Compensation claim, and Social Security Disability claim in combination, all under one roof. We will tailor our legal strategy to the exact details of your unique situation, so you can achieve the greatest possible combination of benefits.

Never settle for the bare minimum. If you've been injured in a car accident in New York State, choose MCV Law, and maximize the compensation that you receive for your injuries.

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