MCV Law News and Insights

  • Kimberly Slimbaugh

    Am I eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits if I have PTSD?

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Some individuals may develop the disorder after a person close to them experiences danger, is seriously injured, or dies suddenly.

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  • MCV Law Logo

    How much car insurance do I need?

    Many people are aware that if they are in an accident that is their fault, they have car insurance to cover injuries that are sustained by the other driver. But what if you are in a car accident that is the fault of another driver and that driver only has the minimal insurance limits of

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  • Gary Valerino

    Medical Expenses and Lost Wages as a Result of Motor Vehicle Accident

    If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, who is responsible for paying your medical bills and lost wages? Pursuant to the New York State Insurance Law, every automobile insurance policy written in the State of New York must provide for at least

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  • William W Crossett

    New York State Workers Compensation Law Created 1914

    Instead, an injured worker’s remedy was to bring a lawsuit based on common law principles of negligence.

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  • William W. Crossett

    So I’m going to start a Blog

    For some time now, all of us at Meggesto, Crossett & Valerino, LLP, fondly known as MCV Law, have been learning about the new and emerging social media. We decided to take a leap and created a Facebook Page, a Twitter account, a Google+ account, and soon we will be revamping our website, To start the journey I welcome you to my blog

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