MCV Law News and Insights

  • Kimberly Slimbaugh

    The Social Security Administration Proposes Changes to the Listing of Impairments for Cancer

    The Social Security Administration (SSA) has posted a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) in the Federal Register regarding how it evaluates Cancer. The proposal provides changing the name of the current listing for Malignant Neoplastic Diseases to

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  • Kimberly Slimbaugh

    Social Security Disability and Migraines

    If you suffer from migraines, you know how debilitating they can be at times. Not all migraines are severe, but sometimes the headaches are so severe that they prevent work. Migraine sufferers also experience symptoms of nausea and vomiting; sensitivity to light, sound and smell, and auras.

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  • Charity for Children

    MCV Law Supports Charity for Children

    This past Monday, November 11th 2013, was Veteran’s Day. Not only did our firm salute our clients, co-workers, family and friends who have served our Nation, we also used the evening to attend the annual Charity for Children Event, “Evening of Cuisine”.

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  • Kimberly Slimbaugh

    How Workers' Compensation Affects My Social Security Disability Benefits

    If you are receiving Worker’s Compensation benefits and file for Social Security disability benefits, you may not be able to collect the maximum amount of Social Security benefits. Between Worker’s Compensation and Social Security Disability, you may only receive up to

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  • William W. Crossett

    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)

    With enrollment now open, I have been asked why the New York State site requests information about Workers’ Compensation claims. While the ACA is new law, the principle that Workers’ Compensation is the primary payer is not

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