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How to Appeal a Social Security Denial
Posted at: 5/14/2018 1:59 PM
Most initial Social Security Disability claims are denied.
Social Security Disability benefits for older workers
Posted at: 5/14/2018 11:48 AM
In my practice, I meet with a lot of people who get injured and keep returning to work.
Posted at: 5/14/2018 11:45 AM
The Trial Work Period is a program where Social Security allows SSDI beneficiaries to try to return to work without losing their benefits.
I don’t really have much, can’t I just make a list and leave it for my family?
Posted at: 5/14/2018 11:38 AM
Most people don’t realize that while you might not believe you have much some things still require legal authority to pass to family.
What else do I need besides a Will?
Posted at: 5/10/2018 2:48 PM
Many may recall the legal battle of Terri Schiavo, a woman from Florida that was in an irreversible vegetative state, which lasted from 1990 until 2005.