Is Your Property on the Rental Registry?

Is your property on the Rental Registry?Did you know that if you own a property in the City of Syracuse you cannot evict a tenant if your property is not listed on the Rental Registry with the City of Syracuse? There is a new local law that requires all landlords to register with the registry to evict AND collect rents on the property.

Although it does not stop you from filing a petition, it will prevent the successful eviction of the tenants and there will be advocates for the tenants who review the registry against the cases that are on the Court’s calendar. Therefore, if you are not registered with the registry, you should not expect a successful outcome to your eviction.

The link below will connect you with the Syracuse City Rental Registry for you to check to see if you property is listed on the Registry, if not, we encourage you to add your rental property to the registry.

Contact a member of the Landlord Services team at MCV Law for further information and to discuss how MCV Law can assist you with an Eviction.

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