Forced to Retire Due to Disability? You may be eligible for SSD benefits.

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If you are in your 60s and can no longer work due to an injury or illness, you may be considering taking early Social Security retirement benefits at 62. You may be better off applying for Social Security Disability benefits.

If you were born after 1960, you receive your full Social Security Retirement benefits at age 67. While SSA allows you to start taking early retirement at age 62, your benefits would be at least  25% less than if you waited until you reached full retirement age. If you stopped working before turning 62, your benefit amount may be reduced because of the years you were unable to work.

If you can no longer work due to a physical or mental impairment before you reach full retirement age, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits. The disability benefits would equal your full retirement benefit.

A wide range of conditions can make you eligible for SSDI benefits. Everything from heart disease, cancers, and musculoskeletal disorders to chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, septic arthritis, and numerous other disabilities have the potential to qualify you for ongoing SSD benefits. In fact, any physical or neurological condition that is debilitating enough to keep you from working carries this potential.

Even if you have such a condition, securing benefits can be difficult without an experienced lawyer’s guidance. The application process is complex, and many claims are initially denied by the Social Security Administration. Applicants must provide sufficient medical evidence of their condition, as well as a carefully-structured theory that details how the condition impacts their ability to work.

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MCV Law is here to help.

The SSD attorneys at MCV Law are here to help you with every step of this process. We know exactly what you will need for your claim to be successfully approved by the Social Security Administration, how to obtain and present the necessary medical evidence, and how to construct an effective theory in support of your claim.

If your claim has been denied, don’t give up. MCV Law can help you navigate the appeals process and represent you in a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge, as well as handle any necessary appeals.


Are you 50 or older? You may have a better chance of having benefits awarded to you.

 The Social Security Administration has a special set of rules in place for claimants over the age of 50. If you are limited to unskilled, sedentary work, and are at least 50 years old, the Social Security Administration presumes that you will be unable to transition to other work. This gives you a much better chance of securing SSD benefits for your disability.

Contact an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer today.

Our experienced SSD attorneys have been helping people file claims and win benefits for years. Social Security Disability benefits can be a valuable source of income for those experiencing conditions that prevent them from being able to work. Social Security Disability law is consistent across the country, meaning that we can represent clients from any state. We work on a contingency basis, meaning there is no fee unless we win your case.  

All it takes to get started is one email or phone call. To take the first step towards applying for benefits and getting your life back, connect with our team today. We’re here to help.

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