Common Types of Workplace Injuries in New York State

Work Injury

One of the most common workplace injuries we see is a back injury cause by lifting.  This can be due to a one-time event or repetitive lifting.  Many physical jobs require an extensive amount of heavy lifting, and, if not done correctly, can result in a back injury. A back injury can be debilitating and difficult to treat. Depending on the severity, surgery may be recommended or pain management, which may involve injections, physical therapy, or medications. A back injury may also result in lost time from work and may be permanent. It is important to see a doctor right away if you suffer a back injury at work.

Another workplace injury we are seeing frequently is Carpal or Cubital Tunnel Syndrome caused by repetitive work duties.  These claims can involve repetitive typing or activities that require fine manipulation of the hands and/or arms, such as work performed by an auto mechanic. These injuries generally come on over time and get worse if you continue to perform the repetitive activity.  These claims are often denied by the Insurance Company, who will argue you had a predisposition to the condition unrelated to your work.  However, the law does not require you to prove that your work activities are the sole cause of your Carpal or Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.  Rather, you must only prove that your work activities contributed to or aggravated an underlying Carpal or Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.  This is an important distinction that is often overlooked by medical providers.

There are critical timeframes associated with both of these types of cases, and it is imperative to seek legal advice right away to make sure you do not miss an important deadline.

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