Commercial Eviction Lawyer in Syracuse, NY

Commercial Eviction Lawyers in Syracuse, NY

The commercial eviction process in Syracuse, and New York State in general can be complex.

The Landlord Services Team at MCV Law will guide and help you understand the commercial eviction process.

The commercial eviction laws differ from residential evictions in New York State. The importance in hiring an experienced eviction attorney is key for commercial landlords operating at any scale when it comes to initiating an eviction proceeding of any kind.

In New York State, the legal grounds for starting a commercial eviction typically hinge upon violations of lease agreements committed by a tenant. Examples of such violations may include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Non-payment of rent
  • An unauthorized sublease
  • Unauthorized alterations to a commercial property
  • Objectionable tenancy
  • Overstaying a lease

As a landlord, this makes it important to ensure that your grounds for eviction are clearly and properly defined within the lease agreement between you and your tenants, in order to ensure a solid legal foundation for starting an eviction in the future if needed.

Initiating a commercial eviction will involve a series of steps, which a landlord must follow closely. Landlords must serve the tenant with the proper predicate notices in accordance with the lease agreement based upon the grounds for eviction. 

It starts with a phone call

Once you have spoken with a member of our Landlord Services Team, we will devise a strategy that is carefully tailored to the unique details associated with your case. 

Having the guidance of an experienced eviction lawyer is often a critical factor in achieving a commercial eviction. The detailed and efficient legal assistance that the MCV Law Landlord Services Team provides could mean the difference between having your tenant evicted and having your case dismissed. We will work to ensure that you are in total compliance with the complex laws governing commercial evictions in New York State. From drafting legally sound notices to representing you at the court hearings, our seasoned attorneys can walk you through every step of the process and make sure that your rights are protected. Our goal is to help you reach yours, and we know how to get that done.

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