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New York Workers' Compensation Benefits for Exposure to Harmful/Toxic Substances
Posted at: 5/6/2024 3:22 PM
Toxic substance injuries and the NY Workers' Compensation system When people think of work injuries, typically an orthopedic injury such as a herniated disc or broken bone comes to mind. There is no question that these are the most common type of injuries that workers face. These injuries are usually the result of a specific event, and are known as accidents, meaning that they happened on a specific day at a specific time. Orthopedic injuries such as those mentioned above can also result from
How to Choose and Appoint a Legal Guardian in Your Will
Posted at: 5/6/2024 10:12 AM
As a parent, the well-being of your children is always a priority. You search for ways to protect them and provide them with the best possible future. You plan meals, babysitters in case they are sick, birthdays parties with friends, soccer games, school supplies and so much more. But have you thought about or planned for "what if I am no longer here"? One step in providing for your children should be to have an estate plan in place. If you have minor children, or a child with disabilitie
Fatal Work Accident Lawyer in Syracuse, NY - Workers' Compensation Death Claims
Posted at: 4/22/2024 4:19 AM
The thought of losing a loved one to a workplace accident is unfathomable. Unfortunately, accidents do happen and sometimes they result in death. It is important to know your rights if you find yourself in the unthinkable situation of having to file a death claim. The Workers’ Compensation Law in New York provides lost wages to family members to replace income lost due to the death of a spouse or parent. The law also provides reimbursement for funeral expenses. You may be eligible to receive
Why Was My Workers' Compensation Claim Denied?
Posted at: 4/19/2024 9:16 AM
New York Workers’ Compensation claims can be denied by the insurance company for a variety of reasons. One of the common denial reasons we see is when the insurance carrier is still investigating a claim. They may file a denial to buy some time to complete their investigation. Once their investigation is complete, if they are satisfied the requirements of the law have been met, they may change their position and accept a claim. Other common denial reasons include: lack of medical evidence
Does My Injury Qualify Me for Workers' Compensation Benefits?
Posted at: 4/18/2024 1:26 PM
If your injury occurred during the course of your employment, it would fall under the Workers’ Compensation Law in New York. There are two types of Workers’ Compensation claims, an accident and an occupational disease. An accident case is one that occurs due to a specific event, such as a fall or a lifting injury. An occupational disease case is one that occurs over time, which often involves a repetitive, work-related task. An occupational disease is not always a physical injury such as C