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The 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make in Their Social Security Disability Cases
Posted at: 11/3/2015 1:06 PM
They don’t file an appeal or don’t timely file an appeal. The process is long and confusing and people get discouraged when they get a denial. People that have good claims get denied, expect to get denied, but don’t place to much
Can Creditors Take Social Security Disability Benefits?
Posted at: 10/25/2015 11:54 AM
When I creditor sues you for a debt and gets a judgment, it can ask your bank to turn over money from your account. This is called a garnishment. If funds in your account are directly deposited by Social Security
Common Misconceptions of the Law
Posted at: 10/5/2015 12:01 PM
Parents are responsible for the negligent acts of their children. While this statement may seem logical, it is untrue. Parents are not responsible for the consequences of their children’s negligent conduct. If, however, the parents own conduct is
Why is the State Insurance Fund Sending Me a Notice to Have an MRI?
Posted at: 10/1/2015 11:47 AM
As of September 30th, 2015, a letter has been going out from the New York State Insurance Fund to its Workers’ Compensation Claimants. This unfortunately worded letter has caused a bit of a panic with claimants who are insured through the State Insurance Fund.
8 Prescription Tips For The Workers’ Compensation Claimant
Posted at: 9/28/2015 11:41 AM
Know your medications (i) Always keep a list of your current medications, and know which ones you are trying to fill. Be sure you know which medications you take are related to your compensation claim, and which are not.